Ted Jones, the father of northwest hydroplaning built many raceboats throughout his career.  Stanley S Sayres recognized the potential in Ted Jones and hired him to build the limited hydro Slo Mo Shun III.  After realizing the potential and attending a race with Ted in 1948, Stanley S Sayres contracted with Ted Jones to design and supervise the construction of the Slo Mo Shun IV.  This would prove to be such a success that it would catapult Ted Jones and Stanley S Sayres into national stardom. This site is dedicated to Ted Jones and will print excerpts from magazines, newspapers,  personal comments, and the complete IRS lawsuit with Sayres vs US Govt

Here are documents that support the facts Ted Jones was looked upon by many, including Stan Sayres, as the Designer of the Slo Mo Shun IV and Slo Mo Shun V.

Sayres vs. IRS 1957
Return of the Jones Boy article
Popular Science article - August 1958